GeneVets offers a large range of food grade rubber band sizes and colors that keep their hold on products even as produce items lose moisture. This maintains a fresh appearance and requires less maintenance at the store level.
Our floral and produce rubber bands:
Meet FDA requirements for direct food contact
Are waterproof
Will never leave brown water spots or rust stains
Will not cut into your tender items
Allow consumers to see and touch the product
Our standard Imprinted PLU Bands offer you the ability to label your item with country of origin and PLU number. This allows for easy reference at checkout.
Our produce and floral products:
Meet all FDA requirements for direct food contact
Are waterproof
Will never leave brown water spots or rust stains
Will not cut into your tender items
Allow consumers to see and touch the product

Branding your produce with your name, your website and/or your promotion will give you greater recognition and encourage brand loyalty.
Consumers will discover hundreds of uses for your custom PLU band even after your produce is gone, providing you with subtle, on-going advertising.
Our produce and floral products:
Meet all FDA requirements for direct food contact
Are waterproof
Will never leave brown water spots or rust stains
Will not cut into your tender items
Allow consumers to see and touch the product